Communicating with the WAX Blockchain

Communicating with the WAX Blockchain

If you are building a WAX-powered site, app, or game you need to be able to read and even write data to the WAX Blockchain and allow your users to login, interact, and sign transactions.

This article will serve as a resource to collect the libraries that are available for different languages to communicate with the various chain APIs and services.

Most of the core packages for Antelope (formerly EOSIO) based chains like WAX are written in JavaScript or TypeScript with alternatives and ports for other languages only sometimes available.

These packages are presented for convenience, please always do your own assessments to ensure the packages are right for you.


  • WharfKit (GitHub - www)
    Antelope Web Client SDK Framework.
    A collection of libraries for integrating chain API and various wallets.

    WharfKit replaces some packages mentioned below including the outdated Universal Authenticator Library (UAL).

  • waxjs (GitHub - npm)
    Library for integrating with the Cloud Wallet.
    Better to use WharfKit @wharfkit/wallet-plugin-cloudwallet.

  • atomicassets-js (GitHub - npm)
    Library to read data from a AtomicAssets NFT API.
    Better to use WharfKit @wharfkit/atomicassets.

  • atomicmarket-js (GitHub - npm)
    Library to read data from a AtomicMarket NFT API.
    Better to use WharfKit @wharfkit/atomicassets.

  • hyperion-api (GitHub - npm)
    Library to read data from a Hyperion History API.
    Better to use WharfKit @wharfkit/hyperion.

  • hyperion-stream-client (GitHub - npm)
    Streaming Client for Hyperion History API.

  • useEOSHyperion (GitHub - npm) React
    React hook library to read data from a Hyperion History API.

  • eosio-statereceiver (GitHub - npm)
    Antelope state-history websocket client.

  • antelope-ship-reader (GitHub)
    Reactive Antelope state-history websocket client.

  • anchor-link (GitHub - npm)
    Library for integrating with the Anchor Wallet.
    Better to use WharfKit @wharfkit/wallet-plugin-anchor.

  • deprecated: eosjs (GitHub - npm)
    Antelope API library for JavaScript.
    This was the core library for integration with Antelope-based blockchains.
    Better to use WharfKit @wharfkit/antelope.

  • deprecated: universal-authenticator-library (GitHub)
    Old library to allow sites to integrate with various wallets.
    Better to use WharfKit @wharfkit/session.


Most of the following packages were developed and released as part of the WAX Unity Plugin Suite. Full documentation is available at

  • EosSharp (GitHub)
    Antelope API library for C#.

  • CloudWalletUnity (GitHub) Unity
    Library for integrating with the Cloud Wallet.

  • AnchorLinkSharp (GitHub)
    Library for integrating with the Anchor Wallet.

  • AtomicAssetsApiClient (GitHub)
    Library to read data from a AtomicAssets NFT API.

  • AtomicMarketApiClient (GitHub)
    Library to read data from a AtomicMarket NFT API.

  • HyperionApiClient (GitHub)
    Library to read data from a Hyperion History API.

  • UniversalAuthenticatorLibraryUnity (GitHub) Unity
    Universal Authenticator Library for Unity.


  • go-eosio (GitHub)
    Fast Antelope primitives for Go.

  • eos-go (GitHub)
    Antelope API library for Go (slower than go-eosio).

  • antelope-ship-client (GitHub)
    Client Implementation of Antelope state-history websocket in go.

  • leapapi (GitHub)
    Antelope Leap HTTP API and Hyperion API in go.

  • atomicasset (GitHub)
    Client implementation of AtomicAssets API in go.

  • Thalos (GitHub - www)
    Stream blockchain data from an Antelope SHIP node via Redis.


  • pyntelope (GitHub - PyPI)
    Antelope API library for Python 3.

  • aioeos (GitHub - PyPI)
    Async Python library for interacting with Antelope blockchains.

  • antelopy (GitHub - PyPI)
    Python helper for Antelope transaction serialization.

  • py-leap (GitHub - PyPI)
    Python Antelope SDK.


  • antelope-rs (GitHub) WIP
    Antelope API library for Rust.

  • eosio-rust (GitHub)
    Antelope API library for Rust.


  • mandel-java (GitHub)
    Antelope API library for Java.

  • antelope-java-sdk (GitHub)
    Updated Antelope API library for Java.


  • php-eos-rpc-sdk (GitHub)
    Antelope API library for PHP.


  • mandel-swift (GitHub)
    Antelope API library for Swift.

  • swift-eosio (GitHub)
    Alternative Antelope API library for Swift.


  • eosdart (GitHub)
    Antelope API library for Dart.